What makes the CCVF Unique?
The founders of the CCVF are survivors of crime and have encountered a loss and pain that they hope no others will be forced to experience.
They have researched and worked with victims of crime, service providers and justice system personnel, since the assault on their young son Jonathan, to try to understand criminal activity, the victim aftermath, Canadian criminal legislation, our legal system and most importantly, how existing victim services work for victims. Through their own experience and close relationships with many other victims, they have learned that Canadian victim services and victims rights are sporadic and under funded at best, and that the systemic revictimization of Canadian crime victims remains unchecked and unaccountable.
They have learned simply, that Canada does not comply with a United Nations convention on the “Rights of Victims of Crime” In addition, despite the Victims Bills of Rights enacted by all the provinces, victims still have no remedy, nor instrument with which to enforce those rights.
They have learned that Canada stood 29th in a list of 29 countries they have studied, with respect to providing compensation and basic assistance to its victims of crime, and most recently that several Canadian provinces have actually eliminated crime victim compensation. They decided to tackle, and make change to issues that no other organization before them in Canada has. Issues that are as fundamental as basic human rights.
They are determined to provide, not only victim support service guidelines, but to proactively introduce a clear understanding of crime victim psychology into Canadian society and to entrench societal rights for victims of crime.
An organization dedicated to “Giving victims a voice”
The Beginning of CCVF
The summer of 2002 witnessed the genesis of Canadian Crime Victims Foundation and as a result of substantive efforts and personal commitment of its founders Joseph and Lozanne Wamback. Jonathan, their son, was a victim of a brutal swarming attack by young offenders in 1999 that almost took Jonathan’s life.
From that tragic moment in time, they worked diligently and relentlessly to support other victims of crime overcome the imbalance in Canada’s criminal justice system as well, available support services for victims of crime.
Throughout that period, they drafted basic human rights for victims of crime and his objectives for change.
CCVF Charitable Status
In late 2002, the CCVF held its initial meeting, appointed a Board of Directors and subsequently filed an application with the Federal Charities Directorate to create a national organization dedicated to crime victim support and positive change to victim services and legislation.
On December 16th, 2002, the CCVF received approval as a Canadian Registered Charity.